About 100 years later (late 1200s) there were records written in the SohoDang miscellany. According to the record the ginseng root was grown for less than 6 years, had their dirt shaken off, washed then steamed in a big steamer. The next step in the process would to have been to lay out the steamed ginseng roots on bamboo racks in a big warehouse and dried by heat from a fire or naturally dried by the sunlight or the wind. This drying process would typically last 4-5 days.
The drying process gives the dried ginseng the colour of cherry blossoms. The ginseng production technology that is currently followed has been developed from the methods applied in the past.
Red Panax is believed to stimulate yang energy, which improves circulation, increases blood flow, revitalizes the body, and aids recovery from weakness after illness.