Pet Circulation spray is used to improve the working capacity of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems in your pets. This means that, your cat or dog will have improved bodily systems.
By soothing and toning the nervous system, you are able to assist in the breakdown of fatty deposits. With increased blood flow through the dilatation of the blood vessels, your pets will be able to heal faster, get better sleep, reduce risk of injury, and live a healthier, happier life. Circulation spray thins the blood which clears any blockages in the veins, to improve circulation. This allows the heart to strengthen without any added pressure.
- Remedy for poor circulation
- Heart-related problems
- High cholesterol
- Blood pressure problems
- Inflamed veins
Created by a registered herbalist, the following herbs were put together to give your pet the best possible natural treatment.
Herbs include:
- Celery Seeds
- Ginko
- Hawthorn Berry
- Lime Blossoms
- Motherswort
- Wilde Dagga
- Wild Rosemary
Guidelines for usage:
- Small pets – 1 spray
- Medium pets – 2 sprays
- Large pets – 3 sprays
- Larger than large pets (Including horses) – 4-5 sprays
For detailed usage and dosage, see bottle for description.