Olive leaf extract, derived from the olive tree, is often hailed as the hottest new infection fighter. But actually olive leaf isn't new at all. Doctors used it as long ago as 1927 to knock out malaria, says
Dr. Atkins in his book Dr Atkins Vita-nutrient Solution. Calcium elenolate, the leaf's most active ingredient, is an extraordinary effective killer of viruses and bacteria. It also keeps latent viruses from emerging,says Dr. Atkins.
The leaf offers at least some relief, if not complete recovery, from the entire rogues gallery of microbial ailments , pneumonia, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, influenza, viral encephalitis, viral meningitis, hepatitis B, shingles, herpes and Epstein-Barr. It's also a worthwhile treatment for urinary infections, surgical infections and any sort of bacterial infection. But olive oil also destroys yeast infections at the same time.A safety study on calcium elenolate was laboratory tested with animals and published by the Upjohn Company in 1970. The study concluded that even in doses several hundred times higher than recommended, no toxic or other adverse side effects appeared.