Barberry is one of the oldest medicines. Not too long ago thousands of lives were being saved with the help of mixtures prepared from barberry root. Those mixtures would diminish fever, control common cold and lung infections.
Berberine is a compound in goldenseal and barberry Research has suggested that berberine can help treat diabetes, obesity, and inflammation.
Among the most recommended usages of barberry are those against diarrhea (and in its more serious forms - cholera), against fever, anemia, and also against hangovers. It's also efficient against a considerable number of infections - malaria or lung infections while controlling the secretions of the mucous membrane. It has a strong sedative effect, decreases blood pressure, and is also a uterine stimulant. Barberry can be administrated to help correct the growth of the spleen.
Berberis is a very effective herb for all kinds of liver ailments, especially jaundice. So effective is the herb that it is nicknamed ˜jaundice berry. It is a bitter tonic that is given to a jaundice patient several times a day in quarter teaspoon doses. The fluid extract of the fruit also has similar properties. - Jaundice berry is highly beneficial as a bitter tonic in jaundice and other liver disorders. - Jaundice berry is very useful in the treatment of high blood pressure.
Research has shown that it dilates the arteries thereby lowering blood pressure. - The leaves of the plant are anti-scorbutic or anti-scurvy. - It acts as an effective purgative. - The berries contain citric acid and malic acid. These are useful in arresting secretion or bleeding and in promoting the flow of bile. - Their juice can be given in inflammatory and malignant fevers, especially typhus and typhoid. - Jaundice berry is useful in menstrual disorders such as painful periods and excessive loss of blood. It has also been found beneficial during labor