Cleavers Drops (Galium Aparine), is an annual plant that offers many different types of medicinal uses. To name just a few: Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and laxative, antiscorbutic, antitumor, blood purifier, diuretic, lipotropic, tonic. Cleavers are found in Canada, Eastern U.S and Pacific Coast, in moist grassy terrains, along riverbanks and fences. A slender taproot is at the base of a weak, square, climbing, prickly stem that grows 2 to 6 ft long (60 – 180cm). The rough square-lancelike, almost straight leaves occur in spirals of 6 to 8 wrapping around the stem. The flowers grow in cymes on long peduncles between May and September.
Cleavers may be used for the following:
- Helps move and dissolve lymphatic congestion.
- Blood cleanser.
- Cleansing the skin.
- Excellent for eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.
- Helps reduce upper respiratory congestion.
- Helps to dissolve kidney and bladder sediment.
- Helps Clean, tone, and strengthen the body.